- Had a playdate with 7 kids while the dads went on an overnight canoeing trip
- Went to Books and Babies at the Lawrence Public Library
- Watched a lot of Royals games! Ehren and McCauley (both born in April) are the exact same age as when the Royals went to the World Series in 1985
- Homecoming weekend for Ehren's college buddies
- First trip to Ikea with my cousins (from Nebraska) and my cousin's little girl
- Mommy ran in her first 5K ever!
- 2nd Annual Mother/Daughters weekend
- Schaake's Pumpkin Patch
- First Halloween
- Mom and Dad had a weekend away in Tulsa for a wedding and grandma babysat!
Dad: Ehren ran the race as well, however he sprained his ankle pretty bad two days before the 5k. Even with a sprained ankle, he beat me.
My old college and grad school roomie got married in Tulsa and it was a great excuse for Ehren and I to have our first night away from Mac. It was seriously the best. The car ride down was fun for talking, the wedding and reception was awesome and then we got to sleep without being disturbed or threat of being disturbed. We also gained an extra hour of sleep with daylight saving and had the most satisfying breakfast I've ever had. We were so thankful for time alone without distraction. However, we still fell asleep before we should have and talked about Mac a majority of the time. #parents
What we are looking forward to: Everything. This age is so much fun and everyday is different.
This month in pictures:
Her new favorite place is her daddy's shoulders... where she uses his hair as her reins. And occasionally chews on it.
McCauley + food at high chair = Cozy looking for crumbs.
McCauley and her new friend Jace. He loooved her.
Campsite off the Kansas River for the guys.
Feed me.
Mother/daughter pics are the sweetest.
Breakfast at Milton's with mom, dad, and Derek.

Ahh, the days when she would continue her short naps with me in bed. A great excuse for me to catch a snooze.
Ehren met us at Books and Babies after he got off work.
The guys came back from the bars as I came back from my sister's house. Greg and Derek were supporting Ehren as he held Mac.
Baby cousins born 4 months apart.
McCauley loves IKEA!
Her excitement got the best of her.. time for a nap.
Harper and McCauley playing with the new toy.
My other fur baby.
I'm smiling even though shots are coming my way!
She is very modest when she nurses. "No pictures, please".
No, Mac, that's not how you use it.
Um, please stop growing up.
There are no words for these next three pictures.
My little sous chef. Hopefully she will love to cook like the three generations before her.
Royals are World Series bound!
Flashback to 1985 when I was at the World Series Victory Parade with my parents.
McCauley's ready to run in the 5k! Look at those legs... totally runner's legs.
My favorite thing to do is spy on Ehren and Mac via video monitor while he reads her bedtime stories. I mean, how precious is this?
Ready to run!
Mac and her babysitter, aka grandma.
Post race smiles.
Mother/daughter selfie. I love my little training buddy.
Cheers! Don't spill any beer on the baby.
First swing in the park behind our house.
Besides our wedding day kiss, this is the second sweetest kiss ever recorded in photo.
This reminds me I should finish my nursery blog post...
Dinner at Merchant's on our Mother/Daughters weekend. Last year I was about 14 weeks pregnant!
Hey there, sweet cheeks.
Gotta hydrate. And yes, she really does drink water out of this.
Time to stuff diapers!
Pumpkin Patch!
Her face is just so darn cute in this picture.
Pumpkin skins... organic and tasty.
Pretty sure we all knew this was coming...
Here is our little lamb. I hot glued cotton balls to a onesie... like hundreds of them.
We went downtown where all the trick-or-treaters were. She was not amused. She also plucked half of the cotton balls off in about 1 hour.
Ahhh, our night away.
My old roomie, Addie, is a dentist. Of course there was floss and toothpaste in the goodie bags at the hotel! So cute and thoughtful.
Best. Breakfast. Ever. Was it anything special? No, it was just First Watch, but we pretty much ordered half of the menu. Omelet. Biscuits and gravy. Pancakes. Potatoes. Toast. Coffee. Etc.
We stopped through Coffeyville on our way back to Lawrence. I went to school there my first two years of college. We had to find a house I lived in at one time. I don't even remember those trees being there and there definitely wasn't aisle 7 of Toys R Us in the front yard. I think I paid $100 a month for rent... ?!
Front porch swing snuggles.
I love when she plays with my ring and I can't wait to tell her the story of how it got on my finger someday!
This is what I have to do when peanut wakes up and I barely get through my workout. Set her on the bathroom floor, give her some toiletries (ya know, mascara, sample shampoos, tampons, etc.) and shower as fast as I can. If she starts to get upset, I start singing "The Star Spangled Banner". It's her favorite song.
My friend Beth came over with two of her girls. Little Lucy (almost a year and a half old) wanted to hold "the baby".... who weighs about 3 pounds less than her. Priceless.
So cute.
Ehren's parents came to town and we went to lunch at Merchant's. She was fussy, not wanting to nurse (which is weird) so I decided that I would just start giving her some of my polenta. She LOVED it. Leaning in, moaning, and grabbing for it. Our waitress even brought out another piece just for her. Girlfriend's got good taste and I'm all about her eating what we eat.
Happy 7 months to this little beauty!