Size of baby: Watermelon.
Maternity clothes: Not only am I wearing Ehren's clothes, but now I have to pick and choose what I wear because some of his shirts are too short for me now and my belly hangs out.
Weight gain: Let's just say that the floors squeak more when I walk on them.
Sleep: The time change happened this weekend so there's that. It's just making me stay up later yet still get up at the same time which makes me tired. But I guess I can also attribute my fatigue to being 37 weeks pregnant.
Exercise: You can make fun of me all you want but I've been taking Cozy on walks… with the stroller. I look ridiculous walking with an empty stroller but I'd rather practice with Cozy with it empty than with an 8 pound baby. At first he was scared of walking next to the wheels but he caught on quite quickly.
Best moment of the week: Friday coming around. Finally. It was a long week with lots of contractions and headaches. My doctor told me at my appointment on Friday that I was probably exhausted, needed to rest and do nothing this weekend, get pampered and get a massage. Did I listen? Yes. Did I follow through with it? No. But it was still nice to be told to rest.
Also, WE FINISHED THE NURSERY! So exciting. Can't wait to blog about it.
Also, WE FINISHED THE NURSERY! So exciting. Can't wait to blog about it.
Movement: Ehren finally got to feel her do a spin move. This is where she suddenly flips or rolls over and it's a huge movement and always takes me by surprise. She kind of has stage fright in the fact that whenever she's moving a lot, I tell Ehren to look or feel and then she stops. It never fails. But he just happened to have his hand on my belly when she did her spin move. He was just as surprised as I was.
Cravings: I don't really feel like I have cravings anymore. I feel like I'm just eating normal. I try to keep my meals as balanced as possible with fruit, veggies, good protein and carbs of course.
Belly button in or out: Well, it's definitely not in!
Wedding ring on or off: On.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.
What I miss: Walking without getting contractions. Getting my heart rate above 100 bpm with exercise. Not feeling like a beached whale when I get out of bed.
What I am looking forward to: Getting this baby out of me!
What I am not looking forward to: The means by which a baby comes out.
Labor signs: Lots of contractions this week. Friday I thought I was going into labor because they were painful and frequent. However, they were mostly with activity and it was a long week so I didn't really think I was going into labor.
Symptoms: Headaches. Contractions.
Nursery: Done. Finally!
Emotions: I had a complete break down on Friday night. I was exhausted from the week… just beyond tired. Thank goodness I already had dinner in the crock pot (beef stroganoff) and all I had to do was cook noodles because I could not do anything more than that. I was just kind of irritable (which has not been normal for me during this pregnancy, surprisingly) and what sent me over the edge was bay leaves falling out of the cabinet and spilling everywhere. I left the scene, walked to the couch, and just started bawling. Like ugly cry, bawling. It felt so good to cry. I just kept saying "I'm… so… tired!" between sobs and I felt like all I could do was lie limp on the couch and let it all out. Ehren was of course by my side and encouraging me to not lift a finger the rest of the night. (Except for my fingers to my face to feed me and the baby.) After my melt down, I felt so much better and I almost think I had more energy! I'm thankful for a wonderful husband (who silently picked up the bay leaves) who doesn't make me feel crazy. I love him.
Cozy thinks that any of the baby's stuff that is "stuffed" is something he needs to play with. Take the infant car seat insert, for example… he took it right out of the box!

Who needs head and neck support when you have a dad who loves to cuddle? He just melts when Ehren holds him.
Cozy and Marbles, sleeping in the same position.
You don't really need a magnifying glass to see that my belly button is sticking out or that my stomach is larger but Ehren just wanted to confirm what he saw with his naked eye.
We got a new toilet this weekend! It's almost as exciting as finishing the nursery… or having a baby! Okay, maybe not, but we are still pretty pumped about it. We also found some fabulous wallpaper behind the old toilet. Beautiful, huh?
Much like we are training/preparing Cozy for walking with a stroller, we thought we would throw the carseat in the car and see how Cozy does with that. This video explains it. The timing couldn't be more perfect.
We went grocery shopping and all of my maternity shirts were in the laundry so I had to go with one of Ehren's t-shirts. When I raised my arms above my head to reach food, my belly totally hung out. We found it funny. And I made Ehren reach the high stuff the rest of the time.
Week in review:
Monday morning started off great. Sike! I slipped on ice in the parking lot walking into work. I did not fall but I caught myself pretty hard to prevent falling. I was told to call the doctor if anything like this happened. I didn't think anything was wrong but I thought it's better to be safe than sorry. The nurse called me back and said the doctor wanted me to go up to labor and delivery to get monitored. Of course, the first thing that came to my mind was, "but I've got patients to see!". I followed orders and headed up to L&D.
Ehren wanted pictures and videos of her heartbeat. It was actually very nice to lie down, watch Food Network, and listen to our baby's heartbeat for an hour and a half. There were no concerns and now we have proof of how active she is.
Nothing like walking with an empty stroller and my dog.
Cozy thinks that any of the baby's stuff that is "stuffed" is something he needs to play with. Take the infant car seat insert, for example… he took it right out of the box!
Is he trying to tell me he wants a bed with a little more head/neck support?
Who needs head and neck support when you have a dad who loves to cuddle? He just melts when Ehren holds him.
Cozy and Marbles, sleeping in the same position.
Cozy always likes to have two toys in his mouth.
I hope our daughter's butt is as cute as Cozy's.
Please, mom?
We got a new toilet this weekend! It's almost as exciting as finishing the nursery… or having a baby! Okay, maybe not, but we are still pretty pumped about it. We also found some fabulous wallpaper behind the old toilet. Beautiful, huh?
Much like we are training/preparing Cozy for walking with a stroller, we thought we would throw the carseat in the car and see how Cozy does with that. This video explains it. The timing couldn't be more perfect.
We went grocery shopping and all of my maternity shirts were in the laundry so I had to go with one of Ehren's t-shirts. When I raised my arms above my head to reach food, my belly totally hung out. We found it funny. And I made Ehren reach the high stuff the rest of the time.
I'm officially full term and that is a great feeling! Obviously I would love for her to cook until 40 weeks but a little early wouldn't be too bad either.
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